Whether you’ve been dreading the cold or are excited for the peace of the winter months, cold weather is here to stay. However, with the bitter cold and biting wind comes snow, ice, and sleet, all of which can make it dangerous to travel. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the most common winter driving risks so you can take the necessary precautions to keep yourself and others on the road safe. The following blog explores what you must know about these matters and why working with car accident attorneys is imperative to help you fight for compensation if you are injured due to the negligent actions of another party.
What winter driving risks should I stay alert to?
As the winter settles in, understanding the most common risks you can encounter until spring is critical. Generally, snow and ice pose the biggest threat to drivers. When the roads are covered in snow, even a light dusting, it can decrease the traction between your tires and the road, making it more likely you will lose control of the vehicle. Additionally, black ice, which happens when the road freezes over and is virtually invisible, poses a serious risk. Unfortunately, when you drive on black ice, the surface of the road is so slick it can cause you to spin out. As such, you should avoid traveling during snowy weather, and if you must travel, drive at slower speeds and leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of you.
Another risk that you may encounter is reduced visibility. During snowy weather, you may experience a whiteout, which occurs when the snow becomes so heavy, that you can barely see the road in front of you. In addition, the days get much shorter, meaning you may be driving in the dark more often. As such, it’s in your best interest to plan when you run errands to limit time spent driving in the dark and, if you must, take precautions to ensure your headlights are in working condition.
What should I do if I’m injured in an accident?
Though you may take the necessary precautions to keep yourself safe while traveling during the winter, others may not have the same concerns. As such, if you are injured due to the negligent actions of another driver, it’s imperative to take the correct steps. The first thing you should do is call emergency services to report the accident and request emergency medical attention for any injuries sustained. If you are physically able to, you should take photos and videos of the accident scene, as this can provide critical evidence to help support your case.
Next, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney from Friedman Schuman Layser as soon as possible to discuss the circumstances of your case. Though the statute of limitations for personal injury cases is two years in Pennsylvania, you’ll find that the sooner you file, the less stressful this process can be. As such, you should not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible.