Be Careful on Social Media During a Lawsuit

When an individual is involved in a lawsuit, it is very important that they are cautious about the posts that are made on their social media profiles. It seems as though today, people are not shy about what they post on social media and frequently express strong opinions on their profiles. One of the reasons that it is so important for individuals to be careful about what they post on social media is because certain posts can have serious impacts on their lawsuit.

This is especially crucial when it comes to a personal injury lawsuit. When an individual is suing for damages after they have been injured by another party, their social media profiles may be monitored by the other party who will be looking for reasons to dismiss the case. For example, an individual may claim that they were injured due to the negligence of another party in an accident and can no longer walk properly. If the injured party posts pictures on Facebook from a ski trip, the other side may use this against them to show that if they were skiing, they must not be as injured as they claim to be.

If you have questions about social media during a lawsuit, contact our firm today.

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