Pennsylvania POA Attorneys

Serving Pennsylvania
Power of Attorney

In life, there may come a time when you are unable to make a decision for yourself for any number of reasons. A Power of Attorney (POA) gives another person the power to make financial decisions and property transactions on your behalf. The individual who is named to act on your behalf is known as the agent. You may decide to execute a power of attorney if you become unable to handle matters for yourself due to sickness or an injury, or if you will be away for an extended period of time. It is important to have strong legal guidance when appointing power of attorney. The Pennsylvania POA attorneys at Friedman Schuman Layser have over 40 years of experience assisting clients in estate planning matters, including a power of attorney. If you need legal guidance in appointing someone as your agent or drafting a durable power of attorney, contact Friedman Schuman Layser today.

Power of attorney in Pennsylvania

Anyone can obtain a power of attorney. There are many different types, each applicable to specific situations. While the types of powers of attorney may change, the process to draw up and execute a valid POA is the same. An individual who requests the power of attorney, known as the principal, must designate another person, the agent, to act on their behalf. To ensure validity, a power of attorney executed in Pennsylvania should be signed in front of a notary public, along with two adult witnesses.

What are the different types of power of attorney?

Each type of power of attorney is specific in what they allow an agent to do.

  • General power of attorney: A general power of attorney allows the principal to designate an agent to act on their behalf for certain transactions. These may include real estate transactions, banking matters, and other financial transactions. They may have the power to enter into or dispose of contracts. An agent may also act on a principal’s behalf when it comes to other investments such as stocks.
  • Limited power of attorney: A limited power of attorney designates an agent for only a specific situation. Sometimes this can be for transactions when the party is unavailable. Oftentimes, these are used in real estate transactions if a party is unavailable for settlement.
  • Durable power of attorney: A durable power of attorney remains effective even after the principal becomes incapacitated.
  • Durable power of attorney for healthcare: This type of POA grants the agent the ability to make decisions for the principal as it relates to healthcare. Usually, this is only in effect if an individual becomes unconscious or cannot make decisions for themselves.
  • Springing power of attorney: A springing power of attorney allows a principal to designate an agent for a specific period of time in the future, setting the power of attorney to become effective on that date. Prior to that date, the agent does not have any responsibility to act on the principal’s behalf.

Contact an experienced Montgomery County POA attorneys

Friedman Schuman Layser provides legal services to clients in Pennsylvania for all their Estate Administration and Estate Planning needs. When it is time to make decisions about your future, such as a power of attorney, it is important to consult with a trusted legal resource. The attorneys at Friedman Schuman Layser have represented clients for over 40 years in all matters related to the estate. If you require strong legal representation when deciding on anything related to the power of attorney, contact Friedman Schuman Layser .

Our Wills Trusts & Estates Success Stories

Instituted various guardianship proceedings for payment of fees owed to long term-care providers.

Successfully petitioned for orphans in a dispute between a corporate trustee and the grantor of a minor’s trust.

Implemented a cryonic revocable trust.

Administered a multimillion-dollar estate with real estate located in several states.

Administered a multimillion-dollar estate that involved the sale of an operating business.

Administered an insolvent estate with gross in excess of $4 million that included business and real estate interests.

Implemented an installment purchase of limited partnership interests by using a sophisticated estate planning tool known as an “Intentionally Defective Grantor Trust” to protect appreciated assets from exposure to excessive federal estate tax.

Designed and implemented an estate plan for a high net worth real estate developer, including wills, revocable trusts, an irrevocable life insurance trust, charitable bequests and a long-term succession plan.

Completed a charitable lead trust for the benefit of a local university, resulting in income and estate tax savings for the donor and a transfer of $1 million to the university.

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Friedman Schuman Layser - Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Real Estate, Corporate & Business Law, Financial Services, Wills, Trusts & Estates
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