What are the most common summer driving hazards in Pennsylvania?

woman in car with window down

Say goodbye to shoveling snow and hello to soaking up the sun! After months of cold weather and long nights, many Pennsylvanians rejoice when summer rolls around. However, this time of the year poses unique dangers for drivers. The following blog explores what you must know if you plan on driving this summer. You’ll also learn how motor vehicle accident attorneys can help you recover the compensation you deserve if you’re injured because of summer driving hazards.

What summer driving hazards should I know about?

With the warmer weather, you can expect to encounter more cyclists on the road, including motorcyclists and bicyclists. When it comes to those on motorcycles, it’s essential to ensure that you take the necessary precautions to avoid a collision. These vehicles are much smaller, so they can get lost in your car’s blind spot. Always double-check before switching lanes or turning. Similarly, bicycles are often slower than motorcycles but can still be hard to spot. Be sure to allow cyclists plenty of space, as many states afford them the same rights as other vehicles.

Another hazard you must be aware of is drunk driving. There are three major holidays over the summer including Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. Similarly, this is a popular season for graduation parties and family reunions, meaning there are many instances in which some may make the decision to get behind the wheel after having alcohol. If you suspect an intoxicated driver, put plenty of space between your vehicles and call emergency services to report the driver.

Finally, you must consider that many municipalities do construction and road work during the summer since there is less traffic while school is out. As such, you’ll need to ensure you take the time necessary to navigate construction sites properly. If you know where the work is, you can avoid the area by taking an alternate route. Be sure to navigate the work zone carefully.

What should I do if I’m injured in a car accident?

If injured in a car accident, must proceed with caution to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Whether you are struck by a negligent motorcyclist, a drunk driver, or a piece of construction equipment, it’s vital to call the police. They will create an accident report and ensure you receive the medical attention necessary.

Finally, you’ll want to ensure you receive compensation for the damages you endure with the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney. At Friedman Schuman, our dedicated legal team will work tirelessly to help you navigate this process. Contact us today to learn more about how our firm can help you receive the justice you deserve for the damages you’ve incurred.

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