Doctor Errors in Pennsylvania

One of the most highly regarded careers in our society is that of a doctor. We put significant amounts of trust in the hands of doctors to keep us healthy. As unfortunate as it is, some doctors don’t live up to the high expectations that society has for them. In fact, they may not even meet the same standard as many of their esteemed peers. When a doctor has a patient’s life in their hands and they fail to meet the standard of care or are simply negligent, a patient may suffer serious consequences that may require additional care or become fatal.

Physician errors can be devastating for a patient and their loved ones. Some of the most common doctor errors include the following:

  • Anesthesia errors, such as administering too much or too little, failing to consider the patient’s other health issues, etc.
  • Medication errors, such as confusing which medication should be given to which patient, administering too much medicine to a patient, etc.
  • Orthopedic errors
  • Spinal cord errors
  • Medical misconduct

Victims of medical malpractice and doctor negligence may want to consider bringing a medical malpractice lawsuit against the liable party. A successful claim may allow the victim to recover damages for their economic and noneconomic burdens that resulted from the negligence.

If you or a loved one is the victim of a doctor error, contact our firm today.

Friedman Schuman is an experienced and dedicated legal resource for clients throughout Pennsylvania. We proudly serve clients facing a wide range of legal matters. If you require the services of an effective attorney, please contact Friedman Schuman today to schedule a consultation.

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