Can a birth injury be considered medical malpractice?

The birth of a child is one of the most exciting times in a parent’s life. After nine months, all the anticipation is over. Now, it is time for families to start their new life with a new member. While this is a happy time in a family’s life, it can prove to be a difficult time as well. When babies are born, there may be complications. Sometimes these complications are out of the control of healthcare professionals. However, other times, they may be caused by the negligence of a doctor. If your child has suffered from a birth injury, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit against the doctor for medical malpractice.

Although mothers may trust a certain doctor with the birth of their child, these doctors can still make mistakes. Doctors are highly intelligent people and have gone through a lot of schooling to achieve their current status. However, they are subject to human error just as we all are. This can be especially devastating when it comes to the birth of your child.

Birth injuries can refer to a wide range of injuries that can result from the miracle of life. These can include Erb’s palsy, cerebral palsy, facial paralysis, spinal cord injuries and more. When negligence is involved in the birth of a newborn, it can result in brain damage caused by vacuum extractor misuse and forceps misuse or brachial plexus injuries caused by excessive force when handling a shoulder dystocia. The possibilities of injuries can greatly affect the life of a newborn.

How do I hold the doctor responsible for the birth injury?

Every day we put our trust in medical professionals to give us the best form of treatment and provide us with the correct medical information. They have the education needed to inform of us of certain conditions that we need to acquire treatment for. Our first instinct when we aren’t feeling well is to make an appointment with our doctor. Although this means we highly respect them, it is difficult to overlook an error made by a healthcare professional when it affects the health of our loved ones. Medical professionals can be held accountable for these negligent errors. If negligence played a role in a birth injury, you can compile information to prove your case.

As a parent, we understand your instinct to protect your child. When your child has suffered a birth injury, you can file a lawsuit to seek liability. Our attorneys can help build your case and provide you with the representation you need. This can help to get you compensated for the medical bills that have accumulated from your child’s birth injury.

Friedman Schuman is an experienced and dedicated legal resource for clients throughout Pennsylvania. We proudly serve clients facing a wide range of legal matters. If you require the services of an effective attorney, please contact Friedman Schuman today to schedule a consultation.

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