What are the Leading Causes of Truck Accidents in Pennsylvania?

While there are many different types of vehicles on the road of all sizes, trucks are the largest. It is because of their immense size that they are the most dangerous. If truck drivers are not acting to the best of their ability at all times, it is possible to cause an accident. Truck accidents can be very severe, causing life-changing injuries and even death. It is important for all drivers to be aware while on the road in order to avoid a possible collision with a truck.

The main causes of large truck accidents are as follows:

Poor Judgement

Everyone is subject to human error, especially drivers. Driving errors are the leading cause of truck accidents on the road. Drivers often make errors such as driving over the speed limit, changing lanes improperly, making dangerous turns, and following too closely behind other vehicles. 

Distracted Driving

The second leading cause of truck accidents is distracted driving. When drivers are not paying attention to the road, they can cause an accident. Because of their massive size, trucks need a greater distance to come to a complete stop than other cars do. Trucks often need the length of about two football fields to come to a halt. If the driver is not paying attention, they may not be able to slow down fast enough to prevent an accident.

Impaired Driving

According to the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS), another leading cause of truck accidents is non-performance errors. When truck drivers operate the vehicle when they are drowsy or drunk, they can cause an accident. This also covers drivers suffering from medical conditions, including a stroke, heart attack, or seizure.

Vehicle Malfunction

Automobiles sometimes experience malfunctions. If the truck or one of its parts is defective and malfunctions, it can cause a dangerous accident. In these situations, a third party can be held liable for causing the incident instead of the driver. The following third parties are sometimes held responsible: 

  • The motor carrier
  • The maintenance contractor
  • The cargo loading company
  • The manufacturer of the vehicle or its parts

Poor Conditions

Sometimes, roads can cause a hazardous situation if they are not in good condition. It is possible for an accident to happen even if a driver is being cautious and paying attention. Examples of poor road conditions can include: 

  • Broken or crumbling concrete
  • Large potholes
  • Unmarked curbs
  • Soft shoulders
  • Oil slicks
  • Missing guardrails
  • Narrow lanes
  • Sharp ramps
  • Malfunctioning stoplights

Weather conditions can also lead to accidents. This can include rain, snow, and heavy fog. 

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