What is the statute of limitations for a slip and fall claim in Pennsylvania?

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If you’re like most people, slipping and falling can leave a slight bruise on your tailbone but a larger bruise on your pride. However, others are not that fortunate. In many cases, slips and falls can leave people suffering severe injuries that heavily impact them for years to come. As such, if you have sustained injuries at the hands of a negligent property owner, understanding how long you have to file a slip and fall claim against them is critical. The following blog explores some of the most common questions regarding these matters and why it is in your best interest to connect with slip and fall attorneys to discuss your circumstances and learn whether or not you are entitled to compensation.

How do slips and falls happen?

Unfortunately, there are several reasons someone may slip and fall. Generally, any time someone loses their footing and slips, trips, or falls on a property due to unsafe conditions, the property owner may be negligent.

Most commonly, wet floors are the reason that people slip inside residential or commercial locations. If there is a burst pipe, wet weather, spills, or freshly cleaned floors, someone may lose their footing and fall as a result.

Another is due to unsafe conditions and broken flooring. If there is loose tile, broken sidewalk slabs, unsecured carpeting, or warped hardwood, an individual can become injured because of these conditions.

Finally, someone may trip and fall if there are objects left on the ground. This includes merchandise in a store, yardwork tools on walkways, or cords in a hotel lobby.

It’s important to understand that if you are injured while on another person’s property and they did not have adequate warnings or make any attempt to remedy the situation, you are likely entitled to financial compensation for the damages you’ve endured.

How long do I have to file a slip and fall claim?

In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations on a slip and fall claim is generally two years from the date the injury happened. Though this may seem like a long time, it’s necessary to understand this can go incredibly quickly, and as such, it’s in your best interest to connect with an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal options.

It’s also imperative to understand that if you slip and fall on government property, like in your local post office or on the sidewalk outside of the town municipal building, you have considerably less time. This is because you must first send a written notice to the agency informing them of your intent to file a lawsuit. This is known as a Notice of Claim. Failure to send this notice within six months will relinquish your right to pursue legal action.

As you can see, there are many things you must keep in mind during this process,  and it can be incredibly overwhelming to file a lawsuit while healing from the injuries you’ve sustained. That’s why it’s in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. If you were hurt at the hands of a negligent property owner, the team at Friedman Schuman is ready to fight for the compensation you deserve. Connect with us today to discuss your circumstances with a member of our team.

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