Mass Transit Accidents in Pennsylvania

Mass transit is a great tool to allow commuters to get to where they need to be. There are many people throughout the state of Pennsylvania who use mass transit. In doing so, they trust that the vehicles are safe and they can travel without harm. However, this is not always the case and accidents do happen. A mass transit accident can occur if buses or trains are not properly maintained, or if a person operating the vehicle is negligent. 

These accidents can cause serious injuries that impact a person for the rest of their life. This is why it is possible for transit administrations to be held liable if they were negligent in providing a safe environment for passengers. If you were involved in a mass transit incident, an experienced Pennsylvania attorney can assist your case.

Causes of Injuries 

Transit administrations have a responsibility to make sure their passengers are safe. This is done through regular inspections of all their vehicles and waiting areas. Doing so allows them to catch any possible hazardous conditions that may be present. This can include defective, malfunctioning, or missing parts. If they fail to do so, these conditions can go unnoticed and cause accidents to happen.

Transit drivers are also responsible for the safety of passengers. This means they are obligated to be competent and give the vehicle their full attention while operating it. If they do not, they may cause an accident due to distracted or dangerous driving. 

Mass transit accidents can happen due to a variety of dangerous factors, including the following: 

  • Derailments
  • Faulty equipment
  • Speeding
  • Distracted driving
  • Lack of seatbelts or safety features
  • Driving under the influence
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driver/technician negligence
  • Poorly maintained waiting areas
  • Slip and falls
  • Product malfunction


Because transit administrations are responsible for ensuring guest safety, they can be held liable if they do not uphold this standard of care. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) serves a large portion of residents in the state. If an accident occurs on one of their vehicles, they administer claim forms in person as well as offer them online. To hold a transit administration or transit operator responsible for an accident, the injured passenger must file a claim to pursue legal action. 

During a personal injury lawsuit, the injured party must prove that the administration or driver was negligent. In addition to this, they must show the negligence was the direct result of their injuries. This can be done by satisfying the burden of proof with evidence. If they are successful, the injured party may be eligible to recover compensation for both physical and emotional traumas that stem from the accident. 

Contact our Firm

Friedman Schuman Layser is an experienced and dedicated legal resource for clients throughout Pennsylvania. We proudly serve clients facing a wide range of legal matters. If you require the services of an effective attorney, please contact Friedman Schuman Layser today to schedule a consultation.

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